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In Colombia Overcoming Frontiers is working for the less fortune children, boys and girls with scare recourses, vulnerable population and handicap also other children that will not have the opportunity to access bilingual education to learn other language such us English that will give them a way to improve their life quality. How can we accomplish this? Working  together in projects that transform and open new opportunities for the less fortune population. With humanitarian help, volunteers and economic support from individuals or corporations like yours. Togeher we can  transform and improve  the quality of life and environment for  these boys and girls that are also part of this realty in the society in our beautiful  county. Please be part of our project, learn about us and look how you can help. In advance , thank you very much for your help and support to our cause.




There are three ways to join us: 

Special Education  is our Priority 

© 2013 by Overcoming Frontiers. All rights reserved.

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